Do you know God as Abba Father? Jesus said it is the starting place for authentic conversation with God (aka prayer). Continuing in our Life in the Kingdom series,…
Do you ever feel the pressure that you have to have it all together? Jesus wants you to be free. Do you ever feel like Christians are fakers? Jesus wants…
Are you connected? In a world that boasts being more connected than ever, why do we often feel so DISconnected from God and each other? In this message by Mark…
“Be Perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5:48 Is this one of those verses that you just ignore because its overwhelming? What on earth is Jesus…
In this testimony, Pastor Kasey briefly shares some of the highlights of what God did in and through the Elevation family in 2013. Be encouraged!
Do you love and do good to those who wrong you, judge you, hurt you? is that possible? can Jesus be serious when he says “Love your Enemies…”? Today we…
When you hear “turn the other cheek”, does that sound like a call to be weak, passive and to just let yourself be treated badly because it’s the “Christian” thing…
Are you giving God the right materials so that He can a build a life that bears lasting fruit? Join us this week as we dig in to Jesus’s simple…
Do you have HOPE for all of the challenges you face? In this message as we approach the New Year, we unpack some of God’s promises that He is the…
Are you ready to receive the gift of Christmas this year? Are you ready to give a response that is worthy of the King? Join us as we reflect on…

28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2025 Elevation Church.