
Be Disciples. Make Disciples.

We are learning to build a family of followers of Jesus, empowered by the Spirit, joining in God’s mission to see the Kingdom of Heaven transform earth.

BE Lifted UP!

Worship Service - Sundays at 9:30am

Welcome to Elevation Church!

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Event Calendar

Living Clean in Community through Courageous Communication

In addition to forgiveness (last week), Jesus teaches us the Kingdom Practice of courageous communication in order to overcome division and live clean in community.

Calendar of Events

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Getting to Know Elevation...

I'm New

Our prayer for Sunday mornings is that above all else, by the Power of the Holy Spirt we encounter the life-changing, soul-refreshing presence of God!

Our Vision

We are NOT a church that just wants to go through the motions so we can get a gold star on our "good person" belt, we ARE joyfully serious about following Jesus and passionate to live into everything that He called the Kingdom of God!

Our Story

Elevation church was planted in April ’11 on the  hunger to learn to be disciples of Jesus and see His Kingdom come in and through our lives.  God has been more than faithful. To encapsulate the story of Elevation so far, we find a description in the apostle Paul’s words: God does “beyond what we could ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20

Our Belief

Elevation church is a Christian, non-denominational family of followers of Jesus Christ. As such, we respect every established theological stream within the span of Christian orthodoxy, reflected in the Evangelical tradition. We want to major on the majors and minor on the minors for the sake of unity in the bride of Christ. We love Jesus, His Church, His Spirit and His coming Kingdom! 

Recent Messages

Living Clean in Community through Courageous Communication

February 16, 2025

In addition to the super power of forgiveness, Jesus teaches us the Kingdom Practice of courageous communication in order to overcome division and live with clean hearts in community.

Living Clean in Community

February 10, 2025

God has given us the superpower of forgiveness to overcome any negativity and bitterness and live with a clean heart in community with one another.

Courage is the Bridge to your Promised Land

February 3, 2025

How do we grow from our currently reality into more of our purpose and destiny? Courage – the strength to choose to not retreat from, but rather intentionally face, the battle ahead.

Teams of Encouragement

January 30, 2025

God designed and created us to be conduits of the Holy Spirit that stir one another up to love and good works. Who is on your team of encouragers? Whose team are you on?

A Tough Mind and a Tender Heart: The Legacy of MLK

January 19, 2025

MLK offers an inspiring example of how to root our lives in the teaching of Jesus and the heart of God as we seek justice in the world.

The Joyful Fruit of Fasting (discipline and self-control)

January 19, 2025

Fasting, in Jesus’s vision, is not about legalism, it’s about cultivating a lifestyle of disciplined, self-controlled choices toward an abundant life in God’s presence.

Living generously to see the Kingdom of God advance

For those who call Elevation church home we consider it an act of worship to put God first in our finances and express that through supporting our local church.

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Thanks for visiting If you have any thoughts, questions, or want to hang out for some coffee and chat give us a shout at 951-230-8764 or fill out this little form.