
June 3rd, 2012 Book of Mark Wk23 Love – The Essence of the Kingdom

By jessecraig / June 6, 2012

This week we continue our series in the book of Mark as we see Jesus teaching on Love being the essence of the Kingdom.  

Illume – The Word (June 2)

By jessecraig / June 4, 2012

Illume is our once a month women’s ministry. This month’s teaching is by Tina Crawford and is titled “The Word”. Be sure to check the Events Calendar for the next…

Illume Women's Ministry This Sat

By jessecraig / May 30, 2012

This saturday is Illume Women’s Ministry at the Craig House. 9:30am. Don’t miss it!

May 27th, 2012 Book of Mark Wk22 Expanding Your Possible

By jessecraig / May 29, 2012

This week, we’re in the Gospel of Mark dissecting the passage that states “all things are possible for one who believes” If you want a study tool to go along…

Awaken Prayer Night This Sunday

By jessecraig / May 23, 2012

Join us this Sunday the 27th at the Mueller home for Awaken. A night of prayer and worship. 5:30pm.

May 20th, 2012 Book of Mark Wk21 Jesus and Marriage

By jessecraig / May 20, 2012

This week we jump back into the book of Mark and see what Jesus says about marriage. If you want a study tool to go along with the podcast, see…

Illume – Growing Kids God's Way (May 12)

By jessecraig / May 14, 2012

Illume is our once a month women’s brunch ministry. This month’s teaching is by Amy Manning and is titled “Growing Kids God’s Way”. There are notes available on the teaching…

May 13th, 2012 Mother's Day

By jessecraig / May 14, 2012

We take a break in our series on the book of Mark and celebrate Mother’s Day with a message titled “Motherhood and the Heart of God”. If you want a…

May 6th, 2012 Book of Mark Wk20 Jesus and The Children

By jessecraig / May 7, 2012

We jump back into the book Mark and see how Jesus reacts to children. What does it mean when Jesus says the Kingdom belongs to the children? We hear testimony…

April 22nd, 2012 1Yr Anniversary Celebration

By jessecraig / April 23, 2012

April 22nd marks the 1st year of Elevation as a church. In true Elevation style, we let the people tell the story through testimony. Enjoy these words of encouragement and…

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