Opportunities and Threats

July 29th, 2012 Pervasive Presence by Paul Weston

By jessecraig / July 30, 2012

On July 29th, we lived out one of our core passions, “Everyone is a Minister” and heard an amazing teaching on God’s pervasive presence by our very own Paul Weston.…

July 22nd, 2012 Book of Mark Wk27 Prayer That Moves Mountains

By jessecraig / July 23, 2012

We continue our series int he book of Mark and discuss how prayer can move mountains. Sorry, no Lift Notes available with this message.

July 15th, 2012 Book of Mark Wk26 The Battle is Won…When?

By jessecraig / July 23, 2012

We continue our series in the book of Mark and discuss the spiritual battle that exists. If you want a study tool to go along with the podcast, see Lift…

Illume – Worship (July 14)

By jessecraig / July 17, 2012

Illume is our once a month women’s ministry. This month’s teaching is by Katie Mueller and is about worship. Be sure to check the Events Calendar for the next Illume…

Illume Women's Gathering this Saturday

By jessecraig / July 9, 2012

July 1st, 2012 Book of Mark Wk25

By jessecraig / July 2, 2012

This week we dive into the book of Mark, chapter 11 where Jesus turns over the tables in the temple.

June 24th, 2012 Book of Mark Wk24 Where Is Your Security

By jessecraig / June 24, 2012

This week we get back into the book of Mark and discuss the framework Jesus gives to the rich young ruler and how that applies to our lives and the…

June 17th, 2012 Father's Day

By jessecraig / June 18, 2012

We take a break in our series on the book of Mark to celebrate Father’s day. Enjoy this message packed with 3 awesome testimonies from men of Elevation.

3rd Sunday Brunch for Father's Day

By jessecraig / June 14, 2012

Come join us this Sunday for our 3rd Sunday Brunch. It’s father’s day, so be sure to bring your pops! We’ll have burgers, dogs, sausages, fruit and more. Right after…

June 10th, 2012 Favor

By jessecraig / June 11, 2012

This week Pastor Kasey is attending a conference and so we hear a message titled Favor from Pastor Jesse. Join us as we unpack the favor of God upon the…

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