
January 1st, 2012 New Years Day

By jessecraig / January 2, 2012

God is in the business of NEW and so we unpack what His Word says about being made new. If you want a study tool to go along with the…

December 24th, 2011 Christmas Eve

By jessecraig / December 27, 2011

Celebrating the true gift of Christmas. If you want a study tool to go along with the podcast, see Lift Notes here:

Don't Miss Christmas Eve with Elevation

By jessecraig / December 22, 2011

Join us this Saturday night, Christmas Eve at Paloma Valley High School in Menifee for our Christmas Eve service. 5pm

December 18th, 2011 The Kingdom Family, Book of Mark Wk9

By jessecraig / December 19, 2011

Continuing our series in the book of Mark, we see Jesus paint the picture of family through the eyes of the Kingdom. If you want a study tool to go…

Christmas Eve Service

By jessecraig / December 14, 2011

Join us this Christmas Eve at 5pm for a celebration service of the gift of Jesus!

Demons and Miracles-December 11th, 2011 Book of Mark Wk8

By jessecraig / December 12, 2011

Continuing our series in the book of Mark, we see Jesus teaching on how to bind the strong man in order to see the miraculous in our lives.  God is…

December 4th, 2011 Disciples In Our Finances

By jessecraig / December 5, 2011

In this midst of trying economic times for everyone, what is God’s message to his disciples about their finance?  Listen in for a very honest look at where the church…

November 27th, 2011 Eucharisteo Thankfulness

By jessecraig / November 28, 2011

We take a break from the book of Mark this week and our Creative Arts Pastor, Jesse Craig give a message on Eucharisteo Thankfulness. Giving thanks brings joy and protection,…

Awaken Prayer Night for November

By jessecraig / November 25, 2011

Awaken prayer night this Sunday, November 27th!! A stirring of the Holy Spirit to move in our midst through prayer! On the last Sunday of every month, we do a…

Tri-Tip-A-Thon Results and Pics

By jessecraig / November 14, 2011

The 1st ever Elevation Tri-Tip-A-Thon was a complete success! We had 10 amazing Tri-Tip entries and it was a tough decision deciding the best Tri-Tip at Elevation. Every person had…

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