As we continue in our series on learning to be a family on mission, we look at one of the key aspects of our culture that can hold us back from the fullness of life with Jesus and His will for church: consumerism.
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Family on Mission: Overcoming ______________
November 16th, 2014 by Kasey Crawford
Today’s Passages: Eph 4:2-3; Col 3:13; Phil 4:2; 1 Cor 1:10-11;Acts2:42
Our Mission: We are _____________ to be a family of followers of Jesus doing life together to see the Kingdom of Heaven transform earth.
One attribute of our culture that will significantly hold us back from the fullness of life with Jesus and his will for our church, unless we aware of it and choose an intentionally different direction, is __________________.
Some Consumer expectations we are taught to live by every day:
- If I’ve got to wait, something is _____________.
- If I’m uncomfortable I _____________
- I want to know what I _________ _______ of it.
Unless we specifically identify it and consciously flip a switch to do otherwise, then we will likely bring this mindset into our _________________ of church
Many of the letters of Paul to the churches teach the opposite of the consumer mindset: they are about how to work together, stay together, serve each other more, work through things, forgive, repent, forgive, etc.
“bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity…” Ephesians 4:2-3
“forgive one another if any of you has a grievance…” Colossians 3:13
As long as humans are involved there will be no ___________ church.
Part of what made the early church so powerful was their ____________ to being a covenant family that would work through their issues.
The early church modeled for us that a healthy church is not found it is _____________.
Powerful transformation does not happen by individuals consuming but through everyone ________________.
A biblical mindset of church doesn’t think of church primarily as:
“I ___________ church or I _____ to church.”
Better language would be: “I am __ ___________ ___ the church.
The Apostles built a family on mission as “they devoted themselves to…the fellowship (koinonia)” Acts 2:42
“koinonia” –In greek literature it is a favorite expression to describe the covenant bond of ________________. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the writers of the New Testament use that word to describe the covenant bond of ______________.
God invites us to move towards a mindset that …
Wherever you call church home is a prayerfully arrived upon ______________ commitment to join an extended spiritual family that you are a part of and contribute to.
Living as a Disciple in His Kingdom…
What is God saying to you ?
What can you do about this in response?
Answers: Consumerism, learning, consumerism, wrong, leave, get out, expectations, perfect, commitment, forged, contributing, attend, go,
a-part-of, marriage, church, covenant
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