Last week I went to a Sunday evening service at a church that has amazing and anointed worship. We get there a little late and find our seats between this nice gentleman and a young family. The band rips into Hillsong’s Forever Reign, which is hands down one of my favorite tunes right now. The audience is engaged and singing with all their might when just off to my right is this dreadful sound coming from the gentleman next to me. Now, I’m for sure not the best singer on the planet, nor a Simon Cowell stud, but this was tone deaf on steroids! There was even one section where I thought he was growling out the lyrics! I looked over at my wife, who gave me a shrug as if to say “beats me” and then I glance over towards this gentleman, who is worshipping with all his heart, mind and soul. It hit me. Psalm 100 says “make a joyful noise unto the Lord”. It doesn’t say sing with perfect pitch, or harmonize till the cows come home. It simply says to make a JOYFUL noise. It’s whats in the heart that matters. Worship is a response to who God is and what He has done for us. It’s about giving everything we have to offer, whether that’s an amazing voice or a tone deaf ear. Jesus isn’t looking for the next American Idol, He’s looking for His people. The next verse in Psalm 100 says to “come before His presence with singing.” I want to thank you nice tone deaf gentleman for your passion and persistence to worship our God with a reckless abandon!
28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2024 Elevation Church.