Lead Team
Hi folks,
Thanks for reading. We are Kasey and Dawn Crawford. We have been married since April 1st, 2001 and have been living out a call to full-time ministry since April 1st, 1999.
On April 1st, 1999 we had an encounter with the Lord in which we clearly heard God’s voice, while apart from one another. He said the same thing to each of us: “You will be a team for my glory.” While the two decades since have been full of many challenges and obstacles, it has honestly been an abundant, life-giving adventure with Jesus. Many things are still yet to be learned, however, some things are clear. We know God has called us to team up to see his Kingdom advance, to see more of His will done, on earth as it is heaven. One expression of that calling was to plant a church and lead with the gifts and passions He’s given us. Ephesians chapter 4 talks about a five-fold ministry that reflects the character and actions of Christ, that ultimately reflects the heart of God. We fit into that spectrum on the apostolic and prophetic end. Kasey is apostolic in his passion to start new things, break new ground and take new territory for the kingdom. Dawn is prophetic in that she’s naturally wired to hear God’s voice, and see what’s going on in the spirit. Together we are learning how to partner with heaven to see revival. We’re not much into titles around here so we don’t go by these terms, or even pastor really. You can call us what you’d like, Kasey and Dawn is just fine with us. The main point is, together we serve this church to see His Kingdom advanced and to see every-day followers of Jesus become powerful people that can partner with God to advance His kingdom in our homes, our city and the world.
May His Kingdom come!

28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2025 Elevation Church.