Lead Pastor
Email: kasey@weareelevation.com
Phone: 951-230-8764
Hometown: Canyon Lake, CA
Edumacation: UCSD- B.A. Study of Religion ‘01
Fuller Seminary- Master of Divinity ’06, Master of Cross Cultural Studies ‘07
Family: Wife-Dawn (Married ’01), Sons-KJ (’02), Daniel (’06), Paxton (’11)
In 10 words or so…..
In full time ministry because… The money, duh! ha, ha. Really, it’s the fire in my belly to see God transform lives and transform this world to taste a lot more like the kingdom of heaven.
Best moment in ministry so far…Seeing people devote everything to following Jesus and seeing God move in undeniably miraculous ways
One thing people don’t know about you as a leader…I used to get Montezuma’s Revenge every Sunday before preaching, a little nervous I guess.
Motivated by…. casting vision for what the future could be, being a catalyst for change, stepping out of the boat to maybe walk on water or maybe sink, good friendships.
An area you are growing as a leader…learning to flow more in His strength instead of mine.
A great day off is….early wakeboarding with a couple good brothers, making pancakes with KJ for family brunch, a little alone time with God, a little exercise, bikes and football outside with the boys and wifey, In-N-Out for dinner, wrestlemania with boys before bed, movie night with wifey.
Take your Pick…
Beach or Mountains? Still shooting for the goal of snowboarding and wakeboarding in the same day
PC or Mac? I’ved turned to the dark side and gone Mac, and never goin’ back!
Skinny Jeans or Wranglers? Boardshorts when possible
Sports or Arts? I tried to learn guitar once, it was ugly.
DWTS or ESPN? Lakers please
Possibly useless info…
Favorite Band and song? U2, “Pride/In the name of love”. More recently, “Elevation” of course.
Best movie ever? Dang, that’s tough. Most quoted at home by my family are Nacho Libre and Star Wars.
Favorite Date Place… not telling you foo!
Everyone should read…Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
Strangest Childhood achievement: Selling the most popcorn in Cub Scouts and winning a tiny plastic camping lantern.

28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2025 Elevation Church.