Kicking off a study in the book of Philippians, we explore the centrality of LOVE in the life of a Christian.
God wants us to experience Him as the God of extravagance: the God whose nature it is to overflow with abundant goodness toward His children.
Looking at the life of Abraham as a Worshipper (and moving into Jesus’s invitation to be worshippers), we see beautiful things about the heart of Worship…
Continuing to look at Abraham as an archetype of faith, we explore the spiritual dynamics of entering into the promised land (God’s promises).
Continuing to look at Abraham as an archetype of faith, we see that the call to move out from the status quo is always an invitation to something better!
Looking at Abraham as an archetype of faith, we will be inspired and challenged to step out of the status quo and say yes to God’s call to the adventure…
The heart posture of a devoted disciple, who knows that the Kingdom of God is at hand, is: “I want to repent!, because I know that repentance is the first…
Have you experienced deep change and transformation over your time in the Lord? The Father desires that for you; and it starts with us knowing and embracing His Heart for…
Concluding our series on prophecy, we look at the nuts and bolts of building a healthy and fruitful culture of prophecy in community.
Partnering with God on behalf of the prophetic words you have received is part of the declarative, faith-filled prayer that Jesus taught us to do.

28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2025 Elevation Church.