Opportunities and Threats

The 10 Commandments: Spiritual Family

By Kasey Crawford / October 17, 2021

The 5th commandment has broad application… God designed the body of Christ to be an extended spiritual family (where “family” is redeemed when needed) so that we can again give…

The 10 Commandments: Honoring your Father & Mother

By Kasey Crawford / October 11, 2021

God promises blessing when we intentionally posture our hearts with humility to receive the good that our earthly parents and “spiritual parents” have to offer. To PLAY or download the…

The 10 Commandments: Powerful Parenting

By Kasey Crawford / October 4, 2021

God has an amazing promise for parents: when we stay deeply connected to him and walk authentically and passionately with Jesus, we WILL raise GIANTS in the land. To PLAY…

Fight the Good Fight: Finding YOUR Fight

By Kasey Crawford / September 27, 2021

Do you know the arena(s) where God has made YOU to fight? Are you fanning into flame the “life of fire” that God put in you? To PLAY or download…

Fight the Good Fight: A Battle Cry

By Kasey Crawford / September 21, 2021

When you/we face an apparent setback or loss, our job is never to get passive, give in or accept defeat as God’s will, but keep fighting the good fight until…

The 10 Commandments: Do not Murder

By Kasey Crawford / September 12, 2021

As we move now toward the commandments that display our love for God, through the way we love others; we take a challenging look into our own culture and hearts.…

The 10 Commandments: The Sabbath

By Kasey Crawford / September 5, 2021

Sabbath is not a new command, rather it’s built into part of God’s good created order. Sabbath is a rhythm of life that demonstrates we were made to live life…

The 10 Commandments: Authentic Relationship

By Kasey Crawford / August 29, 2021

God’s 3rd command is about being authentic in your relationship with God. No facades, no pretending, no faking, just an honest and genuine relationship. THAT is not in vain. To…

The 10 Commandments: Put God 1st

By Kasey Crawford / August 23, 2021

Digging into the 1st and 2nd commandments, we face one of the primary questions about love and obedience: what does it look like to put God 1st in everything? To…

The 10 Commandments: Freedom or Chains?

By Kasey Crawford / August 23, 2021

The world says God’s “laws” are bondage, but the true believer knows God’s “laws” are abundant life. Can we get to the place where obedience to God is our delight?…

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