Opportunities and Threats

Missional Purpose: It’s in our DNA!

By Kasey Crawford / August 19, 2022

At the core of all of humanity’s questions lies the most pertinent: “For what purpose am I here?” Through a theme of relationship and responsibility interwoven throughout the Bible, we…

Walking in the Presence of God

By Kasey Crawford / August 7, 2022

Flowing from a lifetime of walking with Jesus, Dr. Charles Renno shares biblical and practical wisdom about living and walking in the Presence of God.

Living in the Light: radical honesty, nothing to hide

By Kasey Crawford / July 31, 2022

“Living in the light”- honesty with God, telling the truth about struggles, admitting our sin… all bring forgiveness and healing, which increase our experienced intimacy with God and others.

Training the mind towards Continuous Prayer

By Kasey Crawford / July 24, 2022

Digging in to scripture and the testimony of Brother Lawrence, we look at some action steps of how to “make all of life a prayer.”

Continual Conversation with God – Brother Lawrence

By Kasey Crawford / July 17, 2022

We were made for a constant connection to God, so that we live a life of overflow; Brother Lawrence gives us much to “imitate” about his “way of life” in…

PoWerTaP to Overflow

By Kasey Crawford / July 10, 2022

Building on the truth that we are made to overflow, we dig into a tool from God’s Word that helps us forge the connection with God that brings overflow.

Made to Overflow – some practical tools

By Kasey Crawford / July 3, 2022

Building on last week’s message about how we were made to overflow, we look at some practical tools that help to assess and build awareness of what’s flowing out of…

Made to Overflow

By Kasey Crawford / June 26, 2022

You are made to have your soul satisfied in connection with God in such a way that you overflow with abundant life!

The Glory of Fatherhood

By Kasey Crawford / June 20, 2022

As fathers, grandfathers and spiritual fathers, we have the privilege of empowering our kids into a healthy identity and powerful destiny in Christ.

The Weight of Worship

By Kasey Crawford / June 12, 2022

To sing to the Lord with Thanks and Praise is to bring the Lord something that He delights in!

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