Opportunities and Threats

THE Vision for Life

By Kasey Crawford / February 13, 2023

As we start exploring the Sermon on the Mount, we see Jesus begin to create a vision for life that bridges heaven and earth, what Jesus calls “the Kingdom of…

Building YOUR Abundant Life

By Kasey Crawford / February 5, 2023

How are you building your life? As we begin a series on the Sermon on the Mount, we start with the end, where Jesus calls each individual listener to build…

New Normals

By Kasey Crawford / January 29, 2023

Coming out of the fast and feast, we want to be extra aware of the Spirit’s promptings toward “new normals” of walking with God.

AIM as HIGH as you can possibly imagine

By Kasey Crawford / January 29, 2023

What is your Vision for your life? The apostle Peter encourages us to: AIM as High as you can possibly imagine, and then do everything you can to move toward…

Self-control is Freedom and Joy

By Kasey Crawford / January 15, 2023

Far from a restriction to hold us back, self-control is a purpose-filled step on the pathway to great JOY in God.

AIM High and Press on

By Kasey Crawford / January 12, 2023

Knowing God is the feast of abundance and river of delights for our soul. So as we begin this year and consider the goals we have, Why not AIM at…

Kingdom Vision and Goals Workshop 2023

By Kasey Crawford / January 12, 2023

The Gifts of the Magi

By Kasey Crawford / December 18, 2022

The Magi are famous for giving Christ gold, frankincense and myrrh, but they also give us an incredible example of worshipping Christ in Spirit and Truth.

The Gospel of GREAT JOY

By Kasey Crawford / December 11, 2022

The angels reveal to the shepherds that God has a Gospel of GREAT JOY for ALL the people.

Trials and Perfection

By Kasey Crawford / December 5, 2022

Christians are called to have courage to meet trials head on in the battlefield, knowing that meeting it head on will purify your faith and strengthen your character, “perfecting” you…

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