
God is more than a Facebook friend

By Kasey Crawford / January 25, 2016

Knowing about God is not the same as knowing God. At its heart, Christianity is simply about an authentic relationship with God. In this message, we will unpack Ephesians 1:15-23…

God's BIG Story-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / January 18, 2016

God's BIG Story

By Kasey Crawford / January 18, 2016

Where do you fit in to the grand cosmic drama? How about as a favored child of God upon whom God delights to lavish the inheritance of a fully legitimate…

Everything in Heaven is yours IN Christ-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / January 11, 2016

Everything in Heaven is yours IN Christ

By Kasey Crawford / January 11, 2016

Everything in Heaven is yours IN Christ!!! Too good to be true, right? Not if you are IN Christ, then it’s your inheritance that God is delighted to give you.…

Decreasing spiritual clutter and increasing awareness of God-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / January 3, 2016

Decreasing spiritual clutter & Increasing awareness of God

By Kasey Crawford / January 3, 2016

If God’s goodness and love are following me every day of my life (Psalm 23:6), why don’t I always feel that? Clutter! Spiritual clutter! In this message we dig into…

The power of life and death are in your words-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / December 28, 2015

The power of life and death are in your words

By Kasey Crawford / December 28, 2015

The bible gives a sober reality that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21) In this message we dig in to how God desires our…

Christmas: receiving and responding to God's gift-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / December 22, 2015

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