
God delights in your abundance

By Kasey Crawford / January 16, 2018

Is it too much to say that God delights in providing for you, in abundance!?  In this message we explore a teaching from Jesus that has a surprising progression to…

Fasting and Feasting: Abundance and Boldness-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / January 8, 2018

Fasting and Feasting: Abundance and Boldness

By Kasey Crawford / January 8, 2018

God’s abundance toward His children leads us to bold prayers. In this message, Kasey and Dawn share the vision for this year’s corporate fast, abundance and boldness, along with a…

Expect Persecution-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / December 31, 2017

Expect Persecution

By Kasey Crawford / December 31, 2017

In one of Jesus’ more difficult teachings, we face head on the truth that “you will be persecuted.” But more than that we look into the nuance of what Jesus…

Whatever you ask, it will be done-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / December 18, 2017

Whatever you ask, it will be done

By Kasey Crawford / December 18, 2017

Whatever you ask, it will be done. Really?! In this message we look into the truth that Jesus wants us to walk in the same confidence in prayer that He…

Jesus Man of Joy-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / December 11, 2017

Jesus Man of Joy

By Kasey Crawford / December 11, 2017

When you think of Jesus, do you think “man of Joy”? In this message we dig in to John 15 to see in fact that Jesus is a man of…

Abiding in the Vine-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / December 4, 2017

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