
Acts 9

By Kasey Crawford / March 26, 2020

Acts 8

By Kasey Crawford / March 26, 2020

Words of Encouragement, Prayers of Hope

By Kasey Crawford / March 23, 2020

Dawn, Micah and Alicia share their sense of how the Lord is wanting to encourage us right now, in the midst of the coronavirus. Partner with us in these hope-filled…

Expecting Good WILL Come

By Kasey Crawford / March 23, 2020

One crucial posture to carry in difficult times is the faith-filled expectation that God will use it for good. What does that look like in real life? To VIEW or…

Anchored in Peace

By Kasey Crawford / March 20, 2020

In difficult times humanity will always be tested with this truth: what is anchoring your soul? To PLAY or download the Podcast (Just Audio), click below

Confident of His Presence, Expectant of His Power

By Kasey Crawford / March 10, 2020

What does it look like to walk in the POWER of The Spirit? To PLAY or download the Podcast (Just Audio), click below…

Race to Win, Train to Reign

By Kasey Crawford / March 10, 2020

You are not just going to magically wake up one day close to God. Even Jesus models making the effort to regularly get alone with God. Train to reign! To…

Where is your identity from? (Part 2)

By Kasey Crawford / March 10, 2020

Are you living FROM a secure identity or striving FOR an identity? Are you living FROM approval or FOR approval? To PLAY or download the Podcast (Just Audio), click below…

Where is your identity from?

By Kasey Crawford / March 10, 2020

Until you know you’re approved of, you will be trying to prove yourself to everybody. To PLAY or download the Podcast (Just Audio), click below…

What is your Mission? (Part 2)

By Kasey Crawford / March 10, 2020

How do we fight through the opposition to and temptation to give up on our mission(s)? To PLAY or download the Podcast (Just Audio), click below…

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