
The return of Christ and the end of This Age

By Kasey Crawford / March 27, 2022

Concerning the return of Christ and the end of this age… Where does Jesus put our focus?

Moving Mountains, part 2

By Kasey Crawford / March 21, 2022

Jesus’ goal for us ALL is to grow (through communion with Him and community with others) to have mountain-moving faith.

Moving Mountains

By Kasey Crawford / March 13, 2022

What does it look like to keep believing that mountains will move when it hasn’t happened yet?

Wrestling through weakness in our identity

By Kasey Crawford / March 6, 2022

One of the ways that God’s “power is made perfect in weakness” is through bringing our weakness of identity to God, until we leave with a re-newed identity, from HIM.

Kingdom Strength and Weakness

By Kasey Crawford / February 28, 2022

Building on last week’s message, we see in the life of Abram and Sarai the Kingdom weakness and strength principle: Acknowledge and confront your weakness, so that the power of…

Seeking His Presence in Weakness

By Kasey Crawford / February 22, 2022

Quite surprisingly, one of the key ways we can seek God’s powerful presence is through confronting weakness.

Kingdom Increase: Knowing God

By Kasey Crawford / February 6, 2022

What does investing well for Kingdom INCREASE look like in the area of KNOWING GOD? And how available is God to us?

Christians and Politics: a robust discussion

By Kasey Crawford / February 1, 2022

Celebrating Well with Gratitude and HOPE

By Kasey Crawford / January 31, 2022

As we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together we step into an ancient Rhythm of Life of God’s people: sharing a meal in community with gratitude and HOPE.

Investing Well with Discipline and Self-control

By Kasey Crawford / January 23, 2022

As we look to partner with God for His Kingdom Increase in our lives, we explore the powerful role of discipline and self-control.

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