
Investing Wisely-Physical Capital-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / October 5, 2016

Investing Wisely-Physical Capital

By Kasey Crawford / October 5, 2016

Is taking care of our physical bodies important spiritually? Does how we treat our bodies matter to God? In this message we look at the critical connection between stewarding our…

Investing Wisely-Financial Capital

By Kasey Crawford / September 26, 2016

Does God actually want us to prosper financially? In this message we continue to press into Jesus’ teaching on how to invest life wisely, which includes a strategy and purpose…

Investing Wisely-The 5 Capitals-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / September 20, 2016

Investing Wisely-The 5 Capitals

By Kasey Crawford / September 20, 2016

Why would Jesus commend a dishonest manager who cheats his boss and hold him up as an example for his disciples to learn from? In this message we build on…

Investing Wisely-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / September 13, 2016

Investing Wisely

By Kasey Crawford / September 13, 2016

Are you investing your life wisely? In this message, Kasey and Dawn Crawford tag-team to share biblical truth and practical tools on how to invest toward Kingdom growth.

Kingdom: Representing the King-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / September 6, 2016

Kingdom: Representing the King

By Kasey Crawford / September 6, 2016

You are made to represent the King!! In this message, we unpack the awesome truth that as beloved sons and daughters, we have the responsibility and privilege to represent our…

A Covenant Relationship with God: Two becoming One-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / August 30, 2016

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