Christians are called to have courage to meet trials head on in the battlefield, knowing that meeting it head on will purify your faith and strengthen your character, “perfecting” you…
The prospect of suffering is never pleasant, but armed with the right attitude and viewing through the lens of Jesus, we can rest assured that He is working out His…
God invented parties! And He wants us to “practice” for heaven by learning how to make Holy Celebration a way of life.
Digging into the life and testimony of the Apostle Paul, we see how Gratitude is a crucial spiritual discipline that renews the mind to live from the awareness of God’s…
Far from a season or a day, Gratitude is a crucial spiritual discipline that renews the mind to live from the awareness of God’s grace in everything.
Finishing our study of the UP, IN & OUT relationships taught and modeled by Jesus, we look at several practical ways to steward these relationships well.
Jesus models intentional investment of time, effort and energy OUT toward serving others and embodying (in word and deed) the Good News of the Kingdom to the lost, hurting and…
Jesus intentionally invested IN and modeled for us the way human beings are meant to live IN life-giving community with one another.
Looking again at the teaching and example of Jesus, we find the answer to life’s most valuable pursuit: relationships

28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2025 Elevation Church.