You don’t have to look very far to see that the world is in troubling times. If we are not prepared, we can fall into its destructive trap. Thankfully, with…
Worship is to spiritual life as exhaling is to breathing. If you’re not doing it, you’re not really living. To VIEW or DOWNLOAD the Lift Notes for today’s message click…
How do we keep our hearts healthy in the midst of battling against evil? To VIEW or DOWNLOAD the Lift Notes for today’s message click here: PSALM 37-73 LIFT NOTES…
This beloved Psalm reveals the secret to thriving in the midst of challenges, trials and enemies: learn to dwell with God, who is your good shepherd. To VIEW or DOWNLOAD…
Freedom and authority are God’s gifts of independence. The key to unlocking them is remaining inDEPENDENCE of His guidance and power. To PLAY or download the Podcast (Just Audio), click…
The teachings of Jesus through the towering example of MLK bring an inspiring and relevant challenge. To VIEW or DOWNLOAD the Lift Notes for today’s message click here: LOVE YOUR…
In many Psalms, King David cries out to God for justice against the evil actions of his enemies. How does that inform our response to people today? To VIEW or…
There is a battle for your mind; And where you choose to put the meditation of your thoughts will have a dramatic effect on the fruit and outcome of your…
Pastors Greg Perkins and Kasey Crawford sit down for a candid and challenging conversation toward healing, justice and unity. To PLAY or download the Podcast (Just Audio), click below…

28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2025 Elevation Church.