
Abiding in the Vine

By Kasey Crawford / December 4, 2017

Do you know that it’s God will for your life to bear such good fruit that it genuinely helps connect people to Jesus? In this message we look at Jesus’…

The Gaze of the Son is upon me-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / November 27, 2017

The Gaze of the Son is upon me

By Kasey Crawford / November 27, 2017

Do you live with an orphan mindset? In this message we look at Jesus’ teaching from John 14-15 on a love that frees us from living like orphans and empowers…

Doing the Works that Jesus did-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / November 20, 2017

Doing the Works that Jesus did

By Kasey Crawford / November 20, 2017

Can it be true that “whoever believes” in Jesus will do the same miraculous “works” that Jesus did? In this message we dig into John 14:12-14 and what appears to be…


By Kasey Crawford / November 13, 2017


By Kasey Crawford / November 13, 2017

As a follower of Jesus it should come simply to be Christ-centered, right? Not so. In this passage we see how both Thomas and Philip were having trouble being Christ-centered…

Betrayal at the Last Supper-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / November 6, 2017

Betrayal at the Last Supper

By Kasey Crawford / November 6, 2017

Jesus’ invitation to partake in the new covenant through the “Lord’s Supper” was given first to the one who betrayed him to death. Is that a coincidence or the core…

Kingdom Leadership-VIDEO

By Kasey Crawford / October 30, 2017

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