This week we jump back into the book of Acts and discuss why God asks us to wait.
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The book of Acts: Why does God ask us to wait?
October 14, 2012 by Kasey Crawford
Today’s Passage: Acts 1:1-8
And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father… Acts 1:4
Why does Jesus want us to wait?
Our culture says, don’t wait, _________ up
We are taught that if it isn’t fast, its not _________ it.
For example, “I want my oompa loompa now daddy!.” –Veruca Salt
We are taught that we deserve _______we want, _______ we want it.
Definitions of Hurry:
-(verb) to impel to _________ or precipitate action
-(noun) disturbed or disorderly activity, ___________ or disorderly haste
This is not the fruit of the Kingdom!
Jesus models a different way. Jesus was never in a ___________.
Waiting is one of the ultimate tests of surrendering ____________ and ___________ in God’s good Lordship of your life.
Jesus could have been the most rushed and hurried person ever. But he wouldn’t allow the _____________of other people or his culture demand his to-do list and schedule. He said, “I only do what I see the father doing.” The only ___________on his schedule was what God was doing.
v By calling the disciples to wait, Jesus is inviting them (and us) into the ___________ position of trusting in God’s timing, God’s plan and God’s power, instead of their own so that they can live in the peaceful fruit of the Spirit.
A second reason Jesus calls the us to wait:
v Your ___________ is the infrastructure for the spirit to flow through and the kingdom to dwell in. And character is forged in the fire of ___________.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be perfect and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2–4
Paraphrase: Consider it pure joy when things _______ go your way, when you don’t get what you ______, right when you want it, because waiting and hanging in there when its tough is what will make you perfect, lacking nothing in character.
Persevering is one of the primary ways that God transforms your character to be able to _________ the destiny you are meant to carry.
Living it out this week (questions for reflection)….
- Are there things in your schedule that are based on the demands of culture instead of the plans of God? What can you do to trim those out in order to live in the peaceful rhythm of the Spirit?
- What is something you are “waiting” for that you can entrust over to God’s timing and God’s good plans for you?
- Can you commit to persevere in a tough situation, knowing that God will use it to shape your character so that you have a greater capacity to hold the blessings of heaven?
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