Is the way Jesus lived incidental? Or is it intentional and instructive as to how the Kingdom of God is meant to be advanced throughout the world? In this message we explore Jesus’ way of life as the model for a sustainable, reproducible, movement of Kingdom advancement. He built a family on mission. At Elevation, we want to do the same.
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Family on Mission: Jesus built a family, on purpose
October 12th, 2014 by Kasey Crawford
Today’s Passages: Mark 2:1-3:35, Luke 4:14-5:11, John 1:35-51
The mission of Elevation: We are a ____________ of followers of Jesus doing life together to see the Kingdom of Heaven transform earth.
We are learning to be a church that is a family on ______________.
Jesus’ ________ of life is the model for a sustainable, reproducible, movement of Kingdom advancement.
And his mother and his brothers came, and standing outside they sent to him and called him. 32 And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking you.” 33 And he answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” 34 And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark 3:31–35
Family was the center of life in this culture, called the Oikos. Oikos carries the concept of an _____________ family-multiple generations that lived and worked together for survival, support, and protection, with a shared family business.
God’s will is both the ________ and the _____________ of the new spiritual family.
Jesus had a clear mission to start a movement that advances God’s kingdom throughout the earth. His ___________ was he started a family.
But let’s back up a bit…
After Jesus is baptized and tempted in the wilderness, he returns in the power of the Spirit to begin his ministry in his home region of Galilee.
And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read. Luke 4:16
But soon after he experiences a profound ______________ by his own oikos. So does he give up on family? No. He builds one.
And he went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee. And he was teaching them on the Sabbath…And he arose and left the synagogue and entered Simon’s house (oikos). Luke 4:30,38
And the next time Jesus returns to Peter’s house something notable has occurred. And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. Mark 2:1
Jesus has a new ___________! He is building a new family that he is going to end up leading and discipling and calling into a new family business, namely the work of his ______________.
Living as a Disciple in His Kingdom…
What is God saying about your life, in light of Jesus’ way of life?
What can you do about this in response?
Answers: family, mission, way, method, extended, bond, mission, rejection, oikos, Father.
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