We continue in the book of Mark and learn that we don’t need to be perfect to be used by God.
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The Gospel of Mark: You don’t have to be perfect to be used by God
March 11th, 2012 by Kasey Crawford
Today’s Passage: Mark 6:30-52
Review…( Mark 6:7-13)
A framework for understanding Mark: The book of Mark puts on display how Jesus brings more of heaven to earth and invites his followers to experience the same as they learn a new (kingdom) way of life from the Master and respond with regular repentance (turning to God) and belief (taking action).
We left off last week with the scene of the disciples getting sent out into ministry, and how they are examples that God wants to send you out into ministry, in his authority.
New (Mark 6:30-52)
But one of the big issues that comes up and keeps us on the sidelines is the feeling of _____________, such as: I’m not skilled enough, I’m not trained enough, I’m not holy enough, I’m not good enough, and “ministry” is for the special ______
To bring heaven to earth, the ___________ army of God’s followers needs to be in the battle.
We need to confront the _____ that _____ aren’t good enough for ministry.
The next few scenes in Mark show us that: God is not waiting for you to be ___________ before he wants to use you.
“Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” v.31
The first thing that Jesus does when they get back from their first ministry adventure is tell them to ________!
Jesus shows us through his clear teaching to his disciples and what he models in his own life is that: ___________ should be doing ministry _____ the time.
Ministry is meant to flow out of your abiding with Jesus-your resting in his presence, your fresh experience with him, your fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. And out of that you go share the fresh fruit that God has produced in your life. But then you have to come back and rest, abide, get refreshed.
And if everyone needs to rest, there is a need for the _________ body to __________ the mantle of ministry.
Next scene… Next comes the very famous miracle of the feeding of the five-thousand. What you may not have noticed is that this was _____________ to be a miracle the ____________ performed.
Jesus answered them, “You give them something to eat.” (6:36)
They _________ to see the situation with a Kingdom perspective and rely on the power of the Spirit to do what they couldn’t do on their own.
In the next scene it’s more of the same weakness…Jesus walks by them on water and He meant to pass by them, 49 but…they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” 6:48-52
Whatever plans he had, got ruined because they all got __________.
To sum up: God used them mightily (they cast out demons and healed sick) but they still need to rest, they still failed and still got scared.
God does not want to wait until you are perfect before he wants to use you!
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