Do you know God’s will for your life? How about more of heaven colliding with and transforming your status quo? In this message we dig into the heart of the Lord’s Prayer in which Jesus teaches his disciples to make the prayerful declaration: “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10
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Life in the Kingdom: The Lord’s Prayer-Your Kingdom Come…
March 16th 2014 by Kasey Crawford
Today’s Passages: Matthew 6:7-13, Mark 1:14-2:17, 11:24, Matt 18:19
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus is teaching a simple, yet very deep framework for understanding how to approach ______ of life with God in prayer.
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10
The idea of the Kingdom of God is Jesus’ ________________ for understanding and explaining what God is doing in the world. In the four gospels that narrate the life of Jesus the word Kingdom is found _______ times, while the word salvation is found ____ times and the word church ____ times. For example…
Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:14–15
According to Jesus, the GOSPEL is:
“The ____________ __ ________ is at hand.”
What is the Kingdom of God?
Your Kingdom Come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven….
Very simply, The Kingdom of God is when God’s _________ is done on _________ as it is in ______________.
What is God’s will on “earth as it is in heaven”?
“Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” Mark 1:17
God’s will is: keep _____________ & everyone is a _______________.
“…for he taught them as one who had authority” Mark 1:22
God’s will is: _________________ teaching!
“He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” (1:27)
God’s will is: ____________ _______ unclean spirits
“And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons.” (1:34)
God’s will is: _______________ the sick and diseased and casting out ____________.
“he went throughout…preaching…and casting out demons.” Mark 1:39
God’s will is: ______________ the gospel and casting _____ demons.
“Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.” Mark 1:41
God’s will is: ________________, ____________ the outcast and _______________ of disease.
“Son, your sins are forgiven”….“Rise, take up your bed and walk” (2:5,9)
God’s will is: the ____________ of sins and healing the _____________.
“he was eating with sinners…” Mark 2:16
God’s will is: _______________ sinners.
As his followers Jesus invites us to _______________ in His mission through ____________ prayer:
Through this aspect of prayer we come into _________ with God’s will and by faith we ____________ more of heaven’s goodness onto earth.
*answers: all, framework, 127, 7, 2, K.O.G., will, earth, heaven, discovering, minister, authoritative, casting out, healing, demons, preaching, out, compassion, touching, cleansing, forgiveness, paralytic, befriending, mission, declarative, agreement, release
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