Youth Pastors
Hi everyone!
We are Micah and Alicia Orloff. We have been married since August 26, 2007 and have been doing life together on mission for the Kingdom of God ever since. We believe the LORD has brought us together to live out an authentic and intimate relationship purposed and centered on Jesus Christ, striving to be spirit-led examples for all that God has appointed to us. Through steadfast love and humble service, we remain hopeful and faithful, walking in and through the good works that He created in us. We believe we have been called to reflect the character and heart of God in ministry both as teachers, with Alicia prophetically calling out what she sees in the Spirit and Micah shepherding with pastoral care.
We have been blessed to serve the youth of Elevation with a great team of leaders hungry to see those teens take steps toward owning their faith personally. It is in this mission, one filled with both challenges and victories, that we find an overflowing and abundant life offered through Jesus. Yes, that’s right – it not always mountaintop experiences- we’ve encountered the valleys too! But, what we have experienced is that, with Jesus, the journey is worth the adventure! So to that end, we hold on to our personal vision to Live, Learn and Love Generously – and we will let God do the rest!

28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2025 Elevation Church.