Dec 2nd, 2012 Book of Acts Wk8 The Rhythms of Church: UP

This week we jump back into the book of Acts and discuss the Rhythms of Church.

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The book of Acts: The Rhythms of Church: UP

December 2nd , 2012  by Kasey Crawford

Today’s Passage: Acts 2:42-47

(Review) Acts 1-2:41

In the first chapter, the author (Luke) gives us a framework, a lens, through which to understand everything else that happens in the book, namely: you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…to the end of the earth    Acts 1:8

(New) Acts 2:42-47

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42

What did they devote themselves to?

The early church devoted themselves to some simple, _____________   ____________ of life that helped them continue to go deeper in the experience of God in their life.

What we see in the Acts a church that is not busy, rushed, burned out….  We see a people investing in a new way of life of following Jesus to see heaven break in more and more through simple, intentional rhythms.

They ___________ to do a few important rhythms _______ and they did them over and over.

We want to __________ to do a few things ________ that bear great fruit, rather than fill ourselves with activities that don’t bear much fruit.

Today we are going to look at the rhythm of UP:

Pursuing greater _____________ _____________ with God.

Jesus modeled “UP”:

“Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16

Jesus modeled a rhythm of ongoing relational __________. Its not a one time decision, or a belief system, its an ongoing, living relationship that needs to be _____________ ___ and devoted to.

If we ever need “permission” to live in this rhythm, look to Jesus.  Jesus didn’t say yes to everything and you don’t have to either.  Jesus said ____ to some _________ things in order to live life in the intentional rhythm of UP.

The Disciples learned the rhythm of UP from Jesus and taught it to the first church: (Acts 2:42-47)

“And they devoted themselves to” (UP) through:

the apostles’ ____________… v. 42

Do you devote yourself to being taught about the person, life and teachings of Jesus?

and the __________… v. 42

Do you devote yourself to learning to pray?

and ____________ “with glad and generous hearts, praising God” v. 46-47

Do you devote yourself to worship, thanks and praise of God?

and ____________ “attending the temple” v. 46

Do you devote yourself to learning the word of God?
