Kasey’s Thoughts

Philippians 4

By Kasey Crawford / January 7, 2021

Philippians 3

By Kasey Crawford / January 7, 2021

Philippians 2

By Kasey Crawford / January 5, 2021

Jesus is King-2021 kickoff

By Kasey Crawford / January 4, 2021

To kickoff our year together we look into 2 crucial ways to follow Jesus as King in 2021. To VIEW or DOWNLOAD the Lift Notes for today’s message click here:…

Keep Running: Enduring Through Discouraging Times

By Kasey Crawford / January 4, 2021

2020 has been an interesting year that can test one’s faith and destroy those in despair. How can we, as followers of Christ, respond effectively during discouraging times? To VIEW…

Philippians 1

By Kasey Crawford / January 4, 2021

Jesus is King 2020, pt.2

By Kasey Crawford / December 20, 2020

Continuing our Christmas theme of the KINGship of Jesus, we press in to ways to exalt the King through living awake, bold and full of love. To PLAY or download…

Jesus is King 2020

By Kasey Crawford / December 13, 2020

The Christmas story in Luke is actually an incendiary political statement that the sitting emperor is a false King, while the babe in a manger is the true King. What…

Gratitude or Grumbling, pt.2 Train to Reign

By Kasey Crawford / December 13, 2020

Building on the prior message about the supernatural power of gratitude, we dig in to what it looks like to train the mind toward gratitude. To VIEW or DOWNLOAD the…

Advent HOPE

By Kasey Crawford / December 7, 2020

Our bodies are good, but they are not God. In this message, Mariah Nix connects the importance of the goodness of God in our created bodies to the incarnation of…

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