Here at Elevation we are passionate about responding to Jesus’ invitation to follow him on a life-long journey of being a disciple, which simply means “learner” or “apprentice.” We know that we don’t have it all together, so we want to always be learning more from the Master about how to line up our lives with the heart of God so we can experience more of God’s kingdom in our lives here on earth. Simply put, If you’ve stopped learning, you’ve stopped growing, and your life with God will soon be stagnant (and boring).
But, if we stay humbly hungry for more of God, we can rest in His promise to transform us “from one degree of glory (being like Jesus) to another.” So on this page you will find an array of opportunities to engage with Jesus in your discipleship journey, along with other folks at Elevation. Our challenge to you is that you would make time to engage with at least one of these discipleship tools so that you can join along with other Elevation family in growing in a fresh, vibrant and transformative relationship with Jesus.
May God richly bless your journey!!
Here are some of the ways to be connected and grow at Elevation…
Life Groups
Life groups meet on various nights and locations. These gatherings emphasize learning and practicing Jesus’ way of life (in the context of community) that is: UP-growing closer to God, IN-growing in life-giving relationships with a church “family” and OUT-looking for ways to engage and serve the community and neighbors around us with God’s good news.
Kingdom Workshops
Typically on a Friday night or Saturday morning, Kasey and Dawn lead a time of training and equipping in the supernatural way of life in Jesus, such as hearing God’s voice, prophecy, physical healing, inner healing prayer, etc.
Occasional nights of worship where we seek God’s intimate presence through worship and prayer, often with a strong emphasis on prophetic prayer.
Women’s Illume
1st Saturday of the month, 8-10am. Breakfast, a testimony, a message, small groups and prayer.
Men’s Ignite
2nd Saturday of the month, 6:30-8:30am. Breakfast, a testimony, a message, small groups and prayer.
Discipleship Groups
A deep level, year-long commitment in which a mentor leads and disciples a group of 3-6 people, equipping with tools that Jesus taught on how to live the Kingdom-life of a disciple.
Contact Us
Thanks for visiting If you have any thoughts, questions, or want to hang out for some coffee and chat give us a shout at 951-230-8764 or fill out this little form.
28250 Bradley Rd
Sun City, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2019 Elevation Church.
28250 Bradley Rd
Menifee, CA 92586
Ⓒ 2025 Elevation Church.