Our Story

Be Disciples. Make Disciples.

About Us

Elevation church was planted in April ’11 on the simple hunger to learn to be disciples of Jesus and see His Kingdom come in and through our lives.  God has been more than faithful. To encapsulate the story of Elevation so far, we find description in the apostle Paul’s words that we serve a living God who loves to do in us and through us “beyond what we could ask or imagine. (Eph 3:20)” That verse has never been more real to us.  We have the sense that we are riding a big wave of God’s power and goodness and we just have the privilege of being along for the ride (and we don’t want to fall off).  What has been clearly revealed in the short time since this church was planted is that we are in relationship with a God who is real, alive, active and present in our daily lives more than we thought possible.

Our faith has risen to new heights through God over and over showing up and demonstrating his goodness and love for his children.  Things come to mind like one member having a dream about a friend in a wheelchair getting healed and able to walk again, only to have that friend show up at church that Sunday in his wheelchair only to leave that day running around the courtyard and dancing with his wife for the first time ever!  Or we are reminded of the numerous times God has spoken clearly to people through a variety of ways that only God could orchestrate. Or we can think of how powerful God’s presence has been in times of worship and prayer together.  Or we can think of the massive growth that people have experienced in their walk with God as many have shared how they feel like they have grown more in the last year than in the previous 10 years with the Lord, which speaks to the power of truly devoting ourselves to being followers of Jesus that drop everything to seeing his Kingdom come in our lives.  Or we’re reminded of the way in which the idea of church being a “family” has taken on new depths as many have truly experienced walking through life together with others in a family of belonging like they never had before.   Or we’re reminded of the Youth in our midst who have blown us away with their faith and expectation of God’s power; they have truly shown us a beautiful picture of why Jesus says the Kingdom of God belongs to those with faith like a child.  All of this has been teaching us that we are each His beloved Children and his invitation to us is to learn to live life resting in his presence as a beloved son or daughter of the King.

Again and again, we have seen God move in ways that just makes us chuckle with how obviously present and powerful God is and how clearly God is writing the story!  We could go on and on (and see the testimony page for more stories) but in another sense we know that the journey is just getting started.  We have seen God do some amazing things but we believe and know that there are much greater things to come.  We have much to grow and learn, it is in fact a lifelong journey with Jesus.  But if the future is anything like this first year (and we know it will be because of God’s goodness), then we can’t wait to see what He has in store, and we’d love to have you join us for the adventure!

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